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The Transportation Committee's Charge and Procedures



(Adopted April 1, 2020)

The Committee’s Charge

The Committee shall maintain an overview of transportation matters within the ANC3D community and of city-wide transportation matters that might impact the ANC3D community.    These transportation matters include, but are not limited to traffic congestion, bicycle infrastructure, pedestrian needs, mechanisms for modifying the adverse impact of traffic (lights, stop signs, traffic calming devices, etc.), law enforcement of traffic rules, and public transportation (buses, Metro, ride-sharing services, etc.).  From time to time ANC3D is expected to request that the committee evaluate one or more specific transportation matters on which ANC3D would benefit from committee study, engagement with DDOT, and a report or other input to the ANC3D for its consideration.

The Committee will carry out analysis, interact informally with the Department of Transportation staff and other Departments and organizations as appropriate and needed, and provide recommendations to ANC3D for review and action by the ANC.  The Committee should help ANC3D foster the collaborative effort between DDOT and the ANC community offered in Director Marootian’s letter of February 18, 2020. 

Members of the Committee will be appointed by the Chair upon consultation with or nomination by members of the Commission.  Membership on the Committee will be reflective of all of the neighborhoods within ANC3D to the extent possible.



So that members of the community can understand how the  Committee will go about its work and how they may participate in the process, the Commission directs the Committee to adopt the following procedures.  The Committee is authorized to adopt additional procedures to conduct its business that are consistent with the procedures laid out here.

  1. In accordance with ANC3D bylaws and DC law, Committees are not authorized to make decisions for the Commission.Instead, the Committee is to make recommendations and send reports to the full Commission for consideration.

  2. All Committee meetings are required by statute to be noticed and open to the public. The Committee will meet at the call of the Chair with at least 7 days’ notice on local list servs and ANC3D website.

  3. The focus of the discussion within the Committee will be among the Committee members. However, the chairs shall allow, at each meeting, a period of time for any members of the audience to make suggestions or comments.

  4. The Committee may invite representatives of DDOT and other organizations to attend Committee meetings, make direct requests to DDOT and others for information and otherwise discuss issues within its scope directly with DDOT and others (recognizing that it does not speak for the Commission).

  5. Members of the public may also submit written comments to the Committee, in a method to be specified, and the Chair will ensure that these comments are made available to all the Committee members.

  6. The Committee will attempt to reach its conclusions and recommendations by consensus, if possible.

  7. The Committee will provide the Commission with appropriate oral and/or written updates at the Commission’s meetings and the Commission will provide guidance and assignments as it sees fit.

  8. Any ANC3D Commissioner may attend and participate in the Committee’s meetings, as provided for by the Commission’s bylaws.

© 2024 by ANC 3D. 

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